San Antonio Open Studios Tour
Each year thousands of art lovers roam the streets of the San Antonio area of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, for the Open Studios Tour. The organizers also throw an opening reception for artists and the public two nights before the weekend tours and usually expect 200-300 visitors to attend, More than 600 turned up this year, draining the wine supply half way through the party. Bob`s studio was turned into a pop-up gallery for the weekend event, using coat hangers, giant paper clips and binder twine for his hanging systems. Three times as many visitors came through Bob`s temporary gallery, resulting in some nice sales to new fans.
Working in San Miguel de Allende
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, is again home for the next few months.
Judy has crossed into the "dark side" of the clay arts as she moves from functional pottery to clay sculpture. She is now working with Adria Calaresu and Alberto at their BarroCo Clay Studio in the San Antonio district of the world-famous central highlands art city. Bob's studio is in the same district and has produced several new mixed media pieces since they arrived in San Miguel the first week of January. He is planning to work with a couple of local printmakers in re-energizing his mono print making. Bob has also been accepted into the annual San Antonio Open Studio tour in late February, a group of 59 artists working in the San Antonio district of San Miguel.
Autumn in the Valley Below ....
Several strong storms have cleared a lot of the color from Annapolis Valley trees but the quality and quantity of vibrant Fall color is still solid along the protected base of the North Mountain.
Intro workshops and DIY presses .....
It's that time of year again when I do a workshop on introductory level printmaking at Acadia University. This year we've spread the sessions across three intensive weekends, as well as adding a section on DIY options for home-made presses. The students will be building a small 18"x18" hydraulic bottle jack press based on a simple design I use for my own studio. Great for woodblock and collagraph printing. After Judy and I return from Mexico in late March, we plan to offer more printmaking workshops up at the North Mountain studios..
Our Family Reunion at Last .....
This a special photo for our Hainstock family. For the first time since the passing of our parents, Jim and Sally Hainstock, all four of their kids, their spouses, grand kids and great grand kids, got together for a week of reunion. We found cottages on a remote lake in Manitoba's Whiteshell region and simply enjoyed a far-flung family coming together from all parts of Canada and the world.