The New Landscapes series began in the late 1990s and has been the primary focus of Bob Hainstock's studio work since that time. There have been more than 850 pieces created in the series and they can be grouped into five distinct styles and periods -- ranging from the early work created in small, vertical formats, through the architectural look of broad landscapes built from rows and rectangles; through to the current format of large 48"x48" dramas of big threatening skies or empty land masses that show a uncertain surface beauty. Every New Landscapes piece has started out from the same origin; as a rust collagraph print over which a variety of media are added to emphasize the textures and tones of the rust. The rust almost always represents the industrialization of rural place, and a reminder that rust is often the final, fatal stage of what was once a useful material or place.
The New Landscapes series began in the late 1990s and has been the primary focus of Bob Hainstock's studio work since that time. There have been more than 850 pieces created in the series and they can be grouped into five distinct styles and periods -- ranging from the early work created in small, vertical formats, through the architectural look of broad landscapes built from rows and rectangles; through to the current format of large 48"x48" dramas of big threatening skies or empty land masses that show a uncertain surface beauty. Every New Landscapes piece has started out from the same origin; as a rust collagraph print over which a variety of media are added to emphasize the textures and tones of the rust. The rust almost always represents the industrialization of rural place, and a reminder that rust is often the final, fatal stage of what was once a useful material or place.
New landscapes 160103
Mixed Media on Rust Collagraph Print
mounted on wood panel
New Landscapes 140505
Mixed Media on Rust Collagraph Print
mounted on wood panel
New Landscapes 140701
Mixed Media on Rust Collagraph Print
mounted on wood panel
New Landscapes 469
mixed media on rust print
$550 unframed
New Landscapes 488
Mixed media on rust print
New Landscape 500
Mixed Media on rust print
New Landscapes 551
mixed media on rust print
New Landscape # 465
Mixed media on rust print